Monday, February 14, 2011

Picture Comparison

I think that in this picture, President Obama looks both concerned and in control.  His facial expression is one of the reasons that I have formed this opinion.  The way his eyebrows are furrowed says that he feels concern.  On the other hand, there is also something about his expression that says he's in control.  It looks like he possibly has a handle on the situation and is looking for ways to address the problem.  His body language and the background of the photograph also give off this impression.  There are a number of books in the background, which makes it seem like some sort of plan to solve the problem may be in place.  There is also a clear distinction between this picture and the one below.  The one below does not tell me he is concerned or in control because he's smiling and almost looks like he's just another one of the guys.  He doesn't really feel like a leader in it.

This picture makes me confidant in the President's ability to respond to disasters.  In this picture it looks he's right there on the scene of the incident and attempting to help in some way.  This photo gives the impression that the President will respond immediately and be there on the scene.  He seems confidant and at east, too, which provides reassurance that the problem can be handled.

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