Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Would you ever give your passwords to friends?

No, I wouldn't.  I wouldn't give my password out to anyone.  If someone has your password, they can access anything that you use that password for.  Say its the password to your email account.  If a friend has that, they can log on to your email account and send emails to people or do things in your name.  There's also the chance that they could accidentally tell someone what it is.  The safest thing is to keep your password to yourself and not to tell anyone else what it is.  This way your password won't get out there and everything will be safe and secure from others.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

My Learning Style

After taking the test, I discovered that I am a Kinesthetic learner, which means that I learn by doing.

Some things suggested to help me learn are to use real life examples.  Talking my notes out with someone that learns the same way as me is another suggestion.  Writing things out is also somewhat recommended.  Things like labs and field trips are also beneficial learning experiences for me.

I think this test is very accurate.  Many of the things suggested to help me learn, like talking out my notes and writing things are things that I already do.  I learn best by doing things and finding ways that they apply to me.  When I feel that something I'm learning doesn't relate or isn't relevant, I tend to ignore it or forget.  So yes, I think this is very accurate.