Thursday, September 20, 2012

Double Journal Entry #5

"But around a good leader there are no thick walls to crash through, and habits of mutual respect, rising on reverence, can flourish."

To me, this feels like a very powerful statement, and set the tone for what the rest of the article had to say.  If the person, such as a teacher, who is in charge listens and respects those that are under his or her care, then the environment created is one that is respectful and can get things accomplished.  Someone who does apply the principles of reverence is someone we would consider a good leader, and that gives what they have to offer more validity.

1.  Reverent listening involves the components of knowledge, modeling, respect, transcendence, and humility.  Reverent teaching supports the idea of culturally responsive teaching because it works from the perspective that the children have valuable knowledge.  Reverent listening helps create a respectful community within the classroom that values each individual student and what they have to offer to what is being taught.

2.  I have no example from my schooling experience to explain the meaning of this quote.  I was very formulate to have never a teacher within my experience that would single out a student and humiliate them.  My teachers my not have always respected their students, but they never crossed the line where they became bullies.


4.  Yes, I believe I did have a teacher who exhibited traits of a reverent teacher.  This teacher always seemed to have a mutual respect for her students.  She was always positive and encouraging of the students that she taught.  Feeling respected and valued by a teacher made me feel important and as if I had something to offer.  She was encouraging, and that always made me feel as if I could accomplish anything.

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