Friday, April 29, 2011


Accomplished (3)
Developing (2)
Beginning (1)
Score & Comments
Engagingly describes a compelling question or problem.
A question or problem is described.
The purpose of the WebQuest is unclear.
3 – This is very good.  It grabs your attention and seems like it would be a really project to do.
Task is doable and engaging, and is connected to learning in the real world. It elicits thinking that goes beyond rote comprehension.
The task is doable and elicits higher order thinking but is not relevant to students lives.
Task requires simply comprehending or retelling of information found on web pages and answering factual questions.
3 – Very doable.  I like how it’s very much a group project sort of thing, with roles and such shared among the members.  Giving them a budget also seems like a great idea to me, seeing as in real life they will not have an unlimited amount of money.  Very nice.
Every step is clearly stated. Most students would know exactly where they are at each step of the process and know what to do next.
Some directions are given, but there is missing information. Students might be confused.
Every step is clearly stated. Most students would know exactly where they are at each step of the process and know what to do next.
3 – I really like how you’ve set this up with the different colors and such.  It makes it very easy to follow.
There is a clear and meaningful connection between all the resources and the information needed for students to accomplish the task.
There is some connection between the resources and the information needed for students to accomplish the task. Some resources don't add anything new.
Resources provided are not sufficient for students to accomplish the task.
3 – Your resources are really great and I think they will help out the students a lot.
Formative Assessment
Webquest begins with a formative assessment that assess student understanding of content outlined in CSO.
Formative assessment comes close in assessing student understanding of content outlined in CSO.
Formative assessment does not directly assess student understanding of content outlined in CSO.
3 – Looks good.  I think you’ve covered all of these CSOs in your WebQuest.
Criteria for success are clearly stated in the form of a rubric. Criteria include qualitative as well as quantitative descriptors.
Criteria for success are clearly stated in the form of a rubric. Criteria include qualitative as well as quantitative descriptors.
Criteria for success are not described.
2- I think you have a good starting place with your rubric.  Since cooperation is included in your evaluation listed below that, I think you should probably include that in there as well.  I think you should probably also do a little more with the math and measurements in your rubric since you have it counting for 50%.  
Appropriate and thematic graphic elements are used to make visual connections that contribute to the understanding of concepts, ideas and relationships.
Graphic elements sometimes, but not always, contribute to the understanding of concepts, ideas and relationships.
Color is garish and/or typographic variations are overused and legibility suffers. Background interferes with the readability.
1 – I only do this because of your font colors.  I like that you use different ones, but the ones that you used are really, really bright.  They don’t really flow well with the blue and white font colors that are used for the headings and main text.
Navigation is seamless. It is always clear to the learner what all the pieces are and how to get to them.
There are a few places where the learner can get lost and not know where to go next.
There are more than 5 broken links, misplaced or missing images, badly sized tables, misspellings and/or grammatical errors.
3 – I see nothing wrong at all with your navigation.

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