Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Double Entry Blog #1

Inclusive Education can be defined as educating students with diverse needs.  Inclusive Education is meant to benefit those students that have exceedingly complicated and diverse learning needs.  Such students that would be included under Inclusive Education would those that have ethnic, linguistic, and socioeconomic differences.  Inclusive Education would also include those students with special needs and disabilities.  Students that are included in this type of education are those that have a potential social benefit, who can benefit in their linguistic development, and whom the student could benefit from other students as role models.

 An Inclusive School is one that emphasizes learning for all students.  These schools work towards the goal of meeting the "unique and diverse educational needs of all students".  One characteristic of an Inclusive school is a Sense of Community. This means that every child is respected and are encouraged to learn and meet goals as much as possible.  Another characteristic of an Inclusive School is the encouragement of Students as Partners.  Students are encouraged to be a part of the school's community and to participate.  Such ways this is accomplished are through peer mediators, peer tutoring, cross-age tutoring, cooperative learning, and buddy systems.  If accomplished, students become more responsible and effective, and assist in the process of inclusion.

I really like this picture to demonstrate Inclusive Education.  It shows children of all shapes, sizes, colors, and circumstances coming together.  I feel like this most accurately reflects the characteristic of a Sense of Community, in which the children are coming together.  It could also reflect the concept of Students as Partners, in which students help other feel included in the community at school.

Inos, R. H., & Quigley, M. A. (n.d.). Research review for inclusive practices. Retrieved from

Wedman, K. (Artist). (2012). Inclusive education- hope, dignity, and purpose in learning. [Print Graphic]. Retrieved from

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